I Corsi

Business English alla Boston School of English.
I Cambridge English: Business Certificates sono pensati per fornirti le competenze pratiche necessarie per avere successo negli ambienti commerciali internazionali di lingua inglese. Cambridge English: Business Higher, noto anche come Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher, è il terzo dei tre certificati ed è un esame di livello alto. Persone di tutto il mondo sostengono il Cambridge English: Business Higher per migliorare le proprie opportunità occupazionali e professionali.
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Business Benchmark
Business Benchmark is a three-level Business English course for BEC or BULATS exams, which can also be used for general Business English courses. Business Benchmark helps students get ahead fast with their Business English vocabulary and skills and gives them grammar practice in business contexts.
(BEC) Business English certificate
Cambridge English: Business Certificates , also known as Business English Certificates (BEC) , are recognised by employers, ministries, government bodies and professional organisations throughout the world.
The right language skills are an essential element for success in international business and industry. Employers, education institutions and training providers have found that the multilingual BULATS tests are a fast, flexible and affordable way to get accurate certification of workplace language skills.
Riconoscimento Cambridge professional nel Mondo
Riconoscimento Cambridge ESOL per il Lavoro ed Istruzione
- CEFR Diagram
- Cambridge English exams for UK visas and immigration
- Cambridge English for US visas and immigration
- Cambridge English for Canadian visas and immigration
- Producing exams
- Study abroad
The best way to improve your reading skills is to read as much as possible, and to read a
wide range of different texts. This will also help you in the Writing and Use of English papers.
Try reading:
• graded readers and short stories
• articThe best way to improve your reading skills is to read as much as possible, and to read a
wide range of different texts. This will also help you in the Writing and Use of English papers.
Try reading: graded readers and short stories, articles from newspapers and magazines, informational texts such as travel websites or online encyclopaedias.
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Ho frequentato il corso di preparazione per l'esame di Business English C1-C2 e mi sono trovata molto bene. Insegnante molto professionale e disponibile. Consiglio questo corso a chiunque voglia sostenere un esame simile.